Friday, January 28, 2011

Winter in Rexburg just gets colder and colder

Well, I apologize to my many fans. It's been months since I've blogged. I know many of you have been ravenous for my next post (Julie Hansen and Marianne Calcara). I'd like to say that I've been too busy, but mostly, I've just been too lazy.

I'm in the middle of my second to last (yessss) semester at BYU-I. I decided that for once in my life, I'm going to get straight As in class. So this semester, I'm actually doing all my homework and getting really good grades on quizzes, and I hope I get As. It's really sad to realize that I could have been doing this all along, but never knew it or cared. Yikes. Well, I guess I'm getting it just in time to apply the concept to grad school. Perfect. That's where it really counts.

So, other than that there's really nothing going on. And I mean nothing. I am taking a sweet young adult lit. class which requires me to read 30 books this semester, so in my "spare" time, I read young adult novels. I'm literally cooped up in my bedroom alllll day reading and doing homework. I live the life of a hermit, I sometimes think.

I've been losing a lot of weight for some reason. I've lost about 10 pounds in the last few months or more. I'm back to my pre-mission weight now. This is both excellent and frustrating news. Excellent cause I'm looking good, frustrating cause now all of my clothes drown me, especially my jeans. So I look like I'm wearing old lady jeans all the time.

I wish I had pictures to post, but I just got my new battery charger in the mail so I'll do that soon. Gees, this is really lame, but hey, my life is boring, so what more can I say really? :) Be back soon. I promise.


  1. What? I don't count as one of your biggest fans?

    Congrats on the weigh loss, my apologies on the old lady jeans.

    Now that you have a battery charger, take some pictures of this Julie Hansen and Marianne Calcara you speak so fondly off. I'd like to see who they are.

    love you.

  2. My favorite post!!
    Yes strange, me being a hermit in my room all these past years have had the quite the opposite effect! lol And we have to do something about those momjeans. Send me a copy of your report card and I'll hang it on my fridge. Love you!!

  3. haha sure Marnie..I'll count you as a fan. It's just that two friends of mine are FOREVER hastling me to update my blog. I'll definitely post pictures now. I'm so excited to have a camera again. I'll buy jeans as soon as I get money Jules, but I will not send you my report card (unless it's really fantastic!)

  4. For the record, mom jeans and old lady jeans are NOT the same thing.

  5. oh I know. Mom jeans are hip like yours. :) Old lady jeans are...different.
