Hello from my mind:
So I just want to share with you a few things that are rocking my world right now. Just for fun, and because I can't think of anything extraordinary to say.
1. Elephants. I just saw that Water for Elephants movie a while ago and have become somewhat obsessed with elephants since then. They are the coolest animals God ever dreamed up.

2. Brandi Carlisle: "Before it Breaks." I just really really love this song right now. I've listened it to it ten times in the last hour. Soon it will probably not be my favorite song anymore. hahah. Here is a youtube link to the song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPLST5EYsSE
3. The writing of John Stuart Mill: "I never, indeed, wavered in the conviction that happiness is the test of all rules of conduct, and the end of life. But I now thought that this end was only to be attained by not making it the direct end. Those only are happy (I thought) who have their minds fixed on some object other than their own happiness; on the happiness of others, on the improvement of mankind, even on some art or pursuit, followed not as a means, but as itself an ideal end. Aiming thus at something else, they find happiness by the way."
4. The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ. Guided by the inspiration of a friend and home teacher (and the Spirit of course), I decided to challenge myself to read the Book of Mormon in a month, which means i need to read 17 pages a day. It is a time sacrifice for sure, but already my life is changing under the power of that book (again!). It is a great gift I'm giving to my life right now.
5. Poetry. Poetry. Poetry. As usual. I'm still inhaling it and doing my best to write it. It remains my most violent, rapturous passion in life. :) Here is a poem I wrote recently after watching a video about the old film critic/ writer, Roger Ebert after his jaw removal:
Voice: To Roger Ebert
As I look at you I realize that voice is something altogether
separate from larynx, pharynx, palate, tongue, teeth, lips, sound.
Voice is being. Voice is thought. Voice is essence.
A cold, empty voice is now yours.
It was manufactured by some tech geniuses in Scotland.
I wonder what you did the first morning you woke up
after they removed your jaw,
and you tried to speak.
Did you cry?
Did you weep?
What happens to the mind when ability is swallowed by disability?
Of this I know something.
Is voice inherent?
Is voice cultivated?
Was I born with my voice?
Voice is the dearest treasure in the universe.
I never knew that until I heard yours.
6. Friends. I really have been blessed with the most remarkable friends in the wide world. A few of my dearest friends in the world came to visit me in Rexburg this weekend: a mission companion, mission friend, and convert I taught on my mission. It was a delightful weekend. Here are a few pics of us traversing my little town.
Great to hear from you! Sounds like you have lots of things to keep you busy for the next 42 days. Maybe you'll come out to California and visit us after graduation.
ReplyDeleteOh, I forgot, I love that poem about voice. Fantastic!
ReplyDeleteThanks Marnie. I am keeping pretty busy. I think I may visit after graduation. Or do one better and move down there. It's a possibility right now. I am applying for some jobs down there and we'll see what happens. I can't wait to see you guys next month!! The thought of seeing you all literally keeps me going!
ReplyDeleteKathryn!! That was a beautiful poem! I really liked the concept and the way you worded it. Good for you deciding to read the Book of Mormon this month! I know you will be blessed especially for doing it durring what I'm sure is one of the busiest months you will have for a while. RS President, finals, graduation, job searches, and everything else that goes with graduating from college.
ReplyDeleteJune 15, 2011 12:08 PM